Monday, October 27, 2008

There is a Problem With Our Education System

Over the past decades there has been a social shift in society that has led to the trades being looked on as a lower or a lesser job than those requiring university or college training. What society forgot to realize is that these jobs are not lesser they are equal if not more vital than the jobs that require university training. It was not until there grew a lack of skilled tradespeople that people realized the vital role they play in making everyone’s standard of living possible. Not everyone is cut out to sit at a desk all day just as not everyone is cut out to operate a circular saw. It is unfortunate that it took a drastic shortage along with an eternal need to increase the statistics of students obtaining an OSSD to bring the governments attention the importance of tech courses and co-operative education. Along with their policy of no longer penalizing late assignments and lowering a students accountability and responsibility they have started to realize that tech courses and a rounded education may help students succeed. One of these steps in the right direction the other is a misguided attempt at decreasing the drop-out rate. I know at my high school tech courses were an integral part along with co-operative education in ensuring student success. Helping students excel above and beyond the bar one step at a time: teaching them life skills such as responsibility, work ethic and accountability should be the goal of our education system. Not lowering the bar to allow them to stumble over it.

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