Monday, October 6, 2008

When will they admit inaction is not an option?

How long will it take for the Harper government to admit that there is financial instability in Canada as we watch Bay Street tumble again today. Yet, Harper continues to testify that the fundamentals of the economy are strong and the only action to be taken is inaction: steady as it goes, ride through the storm and all the other cliches. Every other political Party in this election has put forward a plan and a platform on the economy. Yet, the conservatives have yet to release their platform just over a week before election day and advanced poll already open. Granted they have set a date of tomorrow to release their election platform, however, it is unclear whether this is due to pressure brought to bear by the opposition parties during the national debates. The conservatives seem to believe that continuing to lower corporate tax is the only way to support economic growth, when will they come to understand that their current policies are not helping main street survive. They must invest in research and development, invest in industry that supply jobs close to home. It is proven that the only way research and development is the fundamental necessity to not only ensure that jobs are created in the future but furthermore to ensure a competitive economy on the world stage.

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