Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Wolf Smells Blood: Conservatives go for the Kill

In the past week we have seen the largest attack on Canadian Democracy in living memory. In the economic update The Prime Minister broke his promise to drop the partisan politics and work with opposition parties to help Canada navigate through the economic uncertainty we are seeing. Harper moved to bankrupt the Liberals while cripple the NDP, the greens and the Bloc: Harper moved to destroy the opposition parties for it is impossible to run a political campaign without significant dollars. He wouldn't compromise so he decided to get rid of them. How does forcing the people to support their political parties in cash strapped times help create jobs and increase the welfare of this nation. Conservatives tout that they are sacrificing the most when in fact they reap the rewards of the grass roots fundraising organizations created by the Reform party giving them the largest war chest of any current Canadian Political party: as was demonstrated in their ability to broadcast massive attack adds against the opposition parties this week, as well as in the last election. Harper seems to have forgotten he is governing a minority government. Meaning a majority of Canadians did not vote for him but the opposition. Harper bashed the Liberals for not standing up to him in the last parliament and now that have stood up for the people that elected them he bashes them as conniving and only grasping for power. It is partisan politicians like Harper that give politicians a bad name.

Furthermore, Harper offered nothing to help the economy in his economic update. It was not until he realized the opposition might actually stand up to him that began to compromise. Short months ago he told Canadians that if we were going to see a recession it would have already happened and that there were some good deals on the stock markets at the time, telling Canadians they should invest. What were Canadians suppose to invest with when they just watched vast amounts of their life savings vanish overnight.

Only Harper could call this current situation undemocratic: two political parties setting aside their difference to offer real tangible help to working Canadians. He forgets to mention he tried to make a coalition government when the Liberals under Paul Martin were floundering. However, if someone else offers to run a coalition government he is not a part of is unthinkable. The Prime minister governs with the grace of the Canadian people and a majority of Canadians voted to be represented by the opposition parties. These opposition parties represent the people of Canada and if the opposition parties have lost confidence in current government then in our parliamentary system this means the people of Canada have lost confidence in the government. Although I do not fully agree with this coalition in its current form it is the way in which our parliamentary system operates and as such must be respected.

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